ISO 13485:2016-certificeret
Sikkerhed og kvalitet er ikke til forhandling i branchen for medicinsk udstyr. De lovgivningsmæssige krav bliver stadig strengere i alle faser af et produkts livscyklus, herunder service og levering.
ISO 13485, Medicinsk udstyr - Kvalitetsstyringssystemer - Krav til reguleringsformål, er en internationalt anerkendt standard, der fastsætter kravene til et kvalitetsstyringssystem, der er specifikt for branchen for medicinsk udstyr.
ISO 9001:2015-certificeret
IATF 16949:2016
IATF 16949:2016 is the International Standard for Automotive Quality Management Systems. IATF 16949 was jointly developed by The International Automotive Task Force (IATF) members and submitted to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) for approval and publication.The document is a common automotive quality system requirement based on ISO 9001, and customer specific requirements from the automotive sector.
IATF 16949 emphasizes the development of a process oriented quality management system that provides for continual improvement, defect prevention and reduction of variation and waste in the supply chain. The goal is to meet customer requirements efficiently and effectively.
IPC-A-610E, 620 klasse I, II-kompatibel
Certificeringer og overholdelse
DYC Electronic har etableret et omfattende teknologisk forsknings- og udviklingssystem.

✔ CCC-certificering
✔ ISO9001:2015 systemcertificering
✔ ISO14001:2015 systemcertificering
✔ ISO13485:2016 systemcertificering
✔ IATF16949-systemcertificering
✔ System til styring af forsyningskæden
✔ MES-system til sporing af processer
✔ Miljøstyringssystem