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What Is the Difference Between PCBA and PCB?

What Is the Difference Between PCBA and PCB? Printed circuit board (PCB) and printed circuit board assembly (PCBA) are both important terms in the electronics industry. Some people use them interchangeably, but they are actually two distinct things. The main difference between these two terms is that PCB refers to a blank circuitry board, while […]

The factory for assembling electronic products mainly includes two production lines: SMT surface assembly and DIP plug-in assembly. SMT is the process of attaching electronic components onto a PCB circuit board through a device, then heating them in a furnace (usually referred to as a reflow soldering furnace), and fixing the components onto the PCB board […]

During SMT processing, electrostatic discharge can cause damage or failure to electronic components. With the improvement of IC integration and the gradual reduction of components, the impact of electrostatic discharge becomes increasingly severe. According to statistics, static electricity accounts for 8% to 33% of the factors that lead to the failure of electronic products, and […]

What is Impedance Control and Signal Matching Impedance control is matching PCB trace dimensions and locations with the properties of the substrate material to make sure that the strength of a signal traveling along a trace is within a required range. The continual increase in device switching speeds is confronting engineers with signal integrity(SI) problems and eventually, most devices are going to have to deal with SI issues. So, Printed […]

PCB boards are usually composed of multiple layers stacked together, with each layer performing a different function. The following are common PCB layers and their meanings: Signal layer: The signal layer is one of the most important layers on the PCB board. It contains the signal transmission path between electronic components and realizes signal transmission […]

1.Incoming Inspection Incoming inspection refers to the confirmation and verification of the quality of purchased raw materials, components, or products, that is, the quality is inspected through sampling when the supplier sends the raw materials or components, and the final judgment is made whether the batch of products is accepted or rejected. 2.Meaning IQC is […]

Che cos'è lo stackup dei PCB? In circostanze normali, quando si progettano schede ordinarie a uno o due lati, non è necessario considerare il problema della laminazione del PCB. Di solito, una scheda rivestita di rame con uno spessore di rame e uno spessore della lastra che soddisfa i requisiti di progettazione viene selezionata direttamente per la lavorazione diretta. Tuttavia, quando si progetta un PCB con [...]

Dopo il completamento della prova di patch SMT della fabbrica di elaborazione di patch SMT per piccoli lotti, sono necessarie alcune procedure di elaborazione di follow-up, come il test, l'assemblaggio, ecc. Una volta completati tutti i collegamenti elettronici di elaborazione, il prodotto viene consegnato al cliente. È relativamente facile essere disturbati da vari fattori nella consegna e nel trasporto [...]



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